zaterdag 8 juni 2019

Pattani Province - Thailand

Pattani Province is an Thailand subdivision which can found in the south, on the Malay Peninsula. North of the province is the Gulf of Thailand and the southern parts are dominated by the Sankalakhiri mountain range. Part of it is the Budo–Su-ngai Padi National Park where rare and endangered animals live like rhinoceroses, gibbons, tapirs, serows (kind of antilope) and the langurs (kind of monkey) the important animal in the region. Before 1974 this region was an safe haven of guerilla warriors to fight against the Thai government, but those day are probably over. Only to keep the people in line they have a loudspeaker system has been installed in the streets of the places in the province of Pattani. To brings government news from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m., because the government has done this to bring up Thai nationalism in the population. Also every morning and evening they played the Thai national anthem every to try get some respect, this oppressive action is mine opinion kind of futile eventually. Thailand is an buddhist country because Pattani is on the Malay Peninsula and the neighboring country Malaysia is predominantly islam, which has an influence on the area and reason of tensions. Pattani Province has an population of around 630 thousand and mostly of Malaysian descent which can give tensions too. So let's take an look at the flag.

The flag has two horizontal stripes an yellow and green one with an emblem in the center. I don't find information of the colors but i think it has to do with buddhism (yellow)
 and islam (green), maybe i'am wrong. The center depict an 17the century cannon made in Pattani and they named it Phaya Tani, the largest cannon ever cast in present day Thailand. In the 17th century Pattani was an independent nation cast that cannon to defend itself from Saim, today we call it Thailand. Eventually Pattani became conquered and the cannon send to Bangkok as spoils of war, nowadays it's stands in front of the Ministry of Defence. An very politically awkward flag, do an gesture to Pattani bring that cannon back there.

vrijdag 7 juni 2019

Cape Town - South Africa

Cape Town the legislative capital of South Africa and nicknamed the "Mother City". Because it's the oldest city of South Africa founded by the Dutch in 1652, but the in 1488 the Portugese already landed here but where more interested in the spice trade with India. In 1647 an Dutch ship stranded here and stayed for an year an traded with an local tribe named the Khoikhoi. Good experience here and the great climate was an reason to build here an permanent settlement, over the years it's grows bigger to the Cape Town we know. Cape Town is one of the most multicultural cities in the world. In the early days to boost the population the Dutch brings in slaves and exiles from modern day Indonesia and Madagascar. Also refugees from modern day Germany who left because of the Thirty Year's War came here, French Huguenots prosecuted settled in and around Cape Town. In 1795 the British take over the Dutch colony and so the slowly the influx of British, Indians, Malaysians and Chinese for more multiculturality. All the world religions are represented in Cape Town and after the end of Apartheid the city grows in tourism and sadly the crime rates are rising. Now have Cape Town to deal with drought because the population grows faster than the water supplies. The greater Cape Town area has an population of around 4 million. So let's take an look at the flag.

This is an logo flag with an white background and to much letters, the big no for vexillologists. We see the name of the city in English, Xhosa and Afrikaans, but the Afrikaans part made it sound double and therefore ridiculous. Also the English is pretty ankward, luckily i don't Xhosa to find some stupid about it. At the bottom an moral motto which can be left out. The image on the left is more interesting and lot of explain, it's the summit of the famous Table Mount of Cape Town, multiple summits in several colors in fact. 
The repetition of Table Mountain to choosing our vibrant colour spectrum that reflects the energy and spirit of the people that call this city home = relevance.
The circular shape symbolize the coming together and the outer shape holding us together. It represents to inclusive nature, government, residents and the public sector working in collaboration = warmth.
Implied by the overall balance and symmetry of the symbol, whilst also retaining the strength of a crest that gives the symbol its feeling of importance and strength = dignity.
This identity of the symbol is more simplified than older symbols on previous flags of Cape Town = simplicity. 
The bright colors of the clever use of the Table Mount which is an vibrant, striking and distinctive landmark = freshness.
So we get the words relevance, warmth, dignity, simplicity and freshness to symbolize Cape Town with the Table Mount. 
Also the circular shape symbolize opportunities, progress, shared responsibility and inclusivity, 
Finally get rid of the letters, put the multiple Table Mounts in the center and flag is great. Now it's an ridiculous looking flag.

donderdag 6 juni 2019

Turku - FInland

Turku is an Finnish city located in the southwestern region of Varsinais-Suomi or in English Finland Proper because it's the place where all Fins originated from. During the 13th century Turku was founded and was an very long time the capital of Finland, until it became part of the Russian Empire in 1809 and the capital moved to Helsinki. Before that it was part of Sweden and still 5,2% speaks Swedish of the 191 thousand people live in the city. Those are the Swedish-Finns and the called Turku in Swedish Åbo. The etymology of Turku is something like "market place" and Åbo is something like "river dwelling", so no similarities in the names. Also the only Swedish speaking university is in Turku since 1918, named Åbo Akademi and two years later for Finnish the University of Turku opened. The main attractions of Turku is its history and the great natural beauty around the city. So let's take an look at the flag.

The flag is an stretched out coat of arms with an blue background with some symbols in the center. The monogram figure is for the Virgin Mary and has multiple explanations. It's not clear but is also an gothic letter A, because the Latin name of Turku is Aboa. At first sight the gothic A is more an M but must seen as an merged A and M, that symbolizing "Ave Maria" an traditional prayer. The fleur-de-lis or French lily are symbolizing the Virgin Mary, also the blue background is the color of the Virgin Mary. The cathedral of Turku is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. So it's flag for the Virgin Mary and an little bit of Turku.

woensdag 5 juni 2019

Limburg - the Netherlands

Limburg is an stretched out shaped Dutch province in an panhandle form. This province is named of the medieval Duchy of Limburg where only an very small part of that Duchy has land in the current province. The area we know as Limburg was an patchwork of of independent and dependent areas. After the creation of the kingdom of the United Netherlands in 1815, King William I give the area the name Limburg. This name quickly became established and people in Limburg became very attached to it. History wise the territory of present-day Limburg was usually divided between the Duchy of Brabant, Duchy of Gelre, Duchy of Gulik, Prince-Diocese of Liège, Prince-Bishop of Cologne and very small  Duchy of Limburg as told earlier. Since 1839 the province is split in an Dutch and Belgian part. Landscape wise the river Meuse runs from south to north trough Limburg. North Limburg is mostly agriculture and nature. Central Limburg has also some nature but more cities and south of it is where the Netherlands is it narrowest. South Limburgs is the most hilly part in the Netherlands. The cities of Maastricht and Valkenburg attracted many visitors. Almost surrounded by Belgium and Germany is the feeling of being different than the rest of the Netherlands the biggest here. So let's take an look at the flag.

The flag has three horizontal stripes which the middle one is slightly narrow. The white represented North Limburg with it's flat sandy soils. The yellow represented South Limburg with it's hilly marlstone soil. The blue is the river Meuse. The red lion with double tail is taken from the medieval Duchy of Limburg. Good chosen flag that unified the north and south of Limburg.

dinsdag 4 juni 2019

Beverly Hills - United States / California

Beverly Hills is an city in Los Angeles County in the state of California. Surrounded by the metropolis of Los Angeles and the city of West Hollywood. Started as an Mexican ranch in 1838 named Rancho Rodeo de las Aguas (Ranch of the Gathering Waters), the beginning was agriculture. When California was added to the United States the grant to land was honored until 1854 when it was sold with an intention to build an city. But dry weather put a stop to it and land became sheep territory. Around 1880 the area became an vast field of lima beans and in 1900 an oil company purchased the land, there was not enough oil to make any profit but there still an small oilfield active. 1906 the are selling lots and named the land Beverly Hills after Beverly, Massachusetts because then president William Howard Taft has rented an holiday house there. The connection with Taft and Beverly was to attracted people to settle and the place grow big enough to be become an city, nowadays it's have an population of around 34 thousand. Over time Beverly Hills get's more and more famous residents like Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Tony Curtis, Ray Charles, President Richard Nixon, Jennifer Aniston and David Spade. Also the high-end shopping area of Rodeo Drive is in Beverly Hills, the city is shown in many movies and television shows and the place is quite rich. So let's take an look at the flag.

The flag has an blue background and like many American cities an seal in the center. In front we see the Italian Renaissance inspired city hall of Beverly Hills represented the seat of government. Clockwise left we see an eagle with an serpent represented when California was part of Mexico. Next one is easy with the shield with stars and stripes, that represented that Beverly Hills is an American city. Then we get the Bear Flag of the very short lived California Republic of 1846. The last one is the lion of Leon and castle of Castile which represented Spain who rules from 1542 to 1821 over California. In the center is an star which represented the 5-member city council. Around the seal the typical use of letters and the year when Beverly Hills became an city, the big no for vexillologists. The flag is ugly with that photo of the city hall and poor drawn historical reference, find an good artist to make the flag beautiful.

maandag 3 juni 2019

Jewish Autonomous Oblast - Russia

Jewish Autonomous Oblast is in the Russian subdivision system the only autonomous oblast, an regular oblast is an kind of province which are controlled from Russia directly. Because there is was historically an Jewish majority in the oblast to give the area more autonomy. Lenin's plans to give every nationality an territory of it's own to keep maintain their own cultural autonomy in a socialist system. Stalin continued the plans in 1928 and in the remote inhospitable area in the Russian Far East to give the Jews an place to live. Also attract some population near an weak border with the then Japanese puppet-state Manchuria. Many Jews moved over here and even disappointed Jews to try get an living in Palestine came to the remote corner of the Soviet-Union. Then Stalin starts his purge in the early 30s and it hits the JAO, many Jewish leaders arrested and prosecuted, Jewish schools closed and tried to fade out the Jewish culture. The experiment failed to get all the Soviet-Jews to the JAO and after World War II there was a slight revival of Jewish refugees to come to the JAO. Eventually the formation of Israel was the last drop and almost every Jew went there. Nowadays there are around 162 thousand people living there and only 1% is Jew, 93% is Russian, 3% is Ukrainian and rest are different people groups. Despite everything there are still bilingual services, side note Yiddish is still taught on some schools. The JAO is nowadays acting merely as an normal oblast and use of Birobidzhan as name for the area is more popular. Birobidzhan is also the capital and named after the rivers Biro and Bidzhan, 5% of the population around 73 thousand is Jew. The city has an trainstation on the famous Trans-Siberian Railway. So let's take an look at flag.

The flag has an white background with an rainbow of colors as horizontal stripes. The white color symbolize purity. The rainbow is an biblical symbol of peace, goodness and happiness. It take God to create the world in 7 days. The 7 bands has to with the Menorah, the Jewish lamp stand with 7 candles and the Seven Laws of Noah. 
The laws are:
Not to worship idols.
Not to curse God.
To establish courts of justice.
Not to commit murder.
Not to commit adultery, bestiality, or sexual immorality.
Not to steal.
Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal.
So we have some biblical reminders with this flag, maybe slightly thicker bands on the flag.

zondag 2 juni 2019

Luxembourg City - Luxembourg

Luxembourg City is obviously the capital of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, beside French they speak German and Luxembourgish in the tiny but rich country. In German it's called Stadt Luxemburg and in Luxembourgish Stad Lëtzebuerg, finally in French Ville de Luxembourg. Also it's serves as one of de facto capitals of the European Union, the European Court of Justice houses here. Luxembourg City has an population of around 116 thousand. Because of it's location between Paris, Brussels and Cologne it was an important strategic over the centuries. The hilly rocky geography helped as an defense and more with the built fortifications, so Luxembourg City almost became impregnable. The London Conference of 1867 declared that the fortifications must be dismantled to prevent an crises between the French and German, that eventually happened with an war in 1870. But 10% of the fortifications survived and over time it's slowly become an modern city in the heart of West Europa. So let's take an look at the flag.

The flag has an white background with an stylized blue lion with an yellow crown. Normally by heraldry rules animals has always look left instead this lion. Traditionally is the Luxembourg lion red and looking left on the coat oaf arms of the city and country. The crown is representing the Grand Duke. This logo flag have some similarities with the Premier League logo and so make it less moderner and change the color to red.

London - Canada

London is next to the river Thames and this place is not in Great Britain but in the Canadian region of Southwestern Ontario. The county su...