zaterdag 29 juni 2019

Zealand - Denmark

Zealand is an Danish region and the name in Danish is Sjælland, this place not New Zealand named after that is the Dutch province of Zealand. Before 2007 Denmark uses counties (amter), there were 13 counties and 3 municipalities with county status like Copenhagen, Frederiksberg and the island of Bornholm. The abolished counties are replaced with 5 regions, also the Danish municipalities are reduced from 270 to 98. Zealand is formed out of the former counties of Roskilde, Storstrøm, and Vestsjælland and the municipalities are reduced to 17. The region is named after the largest Danish island of Zealand if we forget Greenland, it's shared with neighboring Capital Region or in Danish Hovedstaden. But the region Zealand also consists of the islands Lolland, Falster,  Møn and some tiny smaller islands. The entire region of Zealand has an population of around 835 thousand and almost 1.4 million lives in the Capitol Region. Zealand is connected with bridges to the rest of the region, the island of Funen and trough the Capitol Region with Sweden. In 2020 the start projected of digging an tunnel or construct an bridge to and from Germany that may open in 2028. So let's take an look at the flag.

This an logo flag like the other Danish regions, this one has an grey bluish background and white cirkels in different shapes. The grey bluish represented all the water around Zealand. The white cirkels represented for the islands in different shapes. Also the first letter of Zealand is an "S" from Sjælland. The shape of the region combined with Capitol District forms also an "S" if you look well on an map. Smart and modern design, but is an viking sword or boat not more historical exciting.

vrijdag 28 juni 2019

Cook Islands - New Zealand

The Cook Islands is an self-governing country in free association with New Zealand. That means New Zealand take care of foreign affairs and defense and the Cook Islands take care for itself the rest, although lately they do some foreign affairs by it self. Also every citizen of the Cook Islands is an citizen of New Zealand vice versa is that not the case. This self-governing country can be found in the South Pacific Ocean and there live around 17 thousand. The people live on 15 islands (some are uninhabitant) and all the islands are atolls, some are an combination of volcanic activity and coral growth. The islands are divided in two groups, the Northern Cook Islands and the Southern Cook Islands. The largest of the last group is Rarotonga with an population of around 14 thousands and that is almost 70% of Cook Islands population, the capital Avarua is located here. The other islands are Atiu, Mauke, Mitiaro, Takutea (uninhabited), Aitutaki, Mangaia, Manuae (uninhabited) and Palmerstone Island. The north has the follow islands Manihiki, Nassau, Penrhyn, Pukapuka, Rakahanga and Suwarrow (onbewoond). So let's take an look at the flag. 

This an Blue Ensign flag beside the United Kingdom it's also shown Cook Islands connection with New Zealand. But the origin of the Blue Ensign can be found in the British royal navy, used by ships which are commanded by an Royal navy officer or ships in public service. And where those ships operating at possible oversea British possessions the Blue Ensign will be used with an defaced emblem or badge, this matter an ring of stars. Whoever counts well see that there are 15 stars, those stands for the Cook Islands. The blue symbolize for the ocean and that covers the Cook Islands for 1,800,000 square kilometres (690,000 sq mi), merely the total land area is 240 square kilometres (92.7 sq mi). At the end this Blue Ensign is quite simple with an usual coat of arms.

donderdag 27 juni 2019

Zulia - Venezuela

Zulia the most northwestern state of Venezuela and is the 1st state of population, around 3,7 million people live there. The state almost surrounded Lake Maracaibo only de state of Trujillo has also an small shoreline. The Lake Maracaibo is more an inlet or bay with an small connection with the Caribbean Sea, the entrance is only 5.5 kilometres (3.4 mi) wide at the northern end. Many rivers emptying in Lake Maracaibo and the biggest is Catatumbo, where the river empty an special atmospheric phenomenon. There is a lot of lightning around 140 to 160 days a year, it takes around 10 hours and 280 lightning flashes average per hour. Explorer Alonso de Ojeda discovered Lake Maracaibo on August, 1499 and saw stilt houses with boardwalks on stilts which reminds him of Venice. Therefore he named the area Venezuela and that means "Little Venezuela". Also on this voyage was explorer Amerigo Vespucci after him the America's named after. Long time this part of Venezuela was an backwater until they discovered oil in 1914 and canalized the entrance to Lake Maracaibo. this make Zulia one of the important state of Venezuela. So let's take an look at the flag. 

The flag has two vertical stripes in the color blue and black, with an sun that is overlaid with an thunderbolt. The color blue represented the waters in and around Zulia. The color black represented the oil wealth. The sun symbolize warmth, hospitality, agriculture and mining. The thunderbolt symbolize the creation of culture, art and intellect and to guide the citizens of Zulia. This flag like an superhero logo but it's works for me well.

woensdag 26 juni 2019

Styria - Austria

Styria is an Austrian state and in German they called it Steiermark, also there is an traditional region of Styria in Slovenia what in Slovenian is Štajerska. The area was split after the fall of the Austro-Hungarian empire at the end of World War I. Styria has an population of around 1.2 million and there are three region's. East Styria (Oststeiermark) with capital Graz and in it's neighbourhood the world famous Arnold Schwarzenegger is born, also the Alps begin in the south. The river Mur act as an border with West Styria (Weststeiermark) and this region is sparsely populated,  with many hills. Upper Styria (Obersteiermark) and this is the party with the most nature, like mountains, hills, forests and those alpine lakes. So let's take an look at the flag.

The had two vertical stripes in the colours white and green, wich are derived from tbe coat of arms. There are two version the one without the arms, that one is for civilian usage. The other one with the arms can only use by the local government, so let's continue with that version. There is an mythical white panther with red horns and it's fire breathing. Styria use this heraldic panther since the 12th century and other nations use the animal for centuries. The early Christian writer Physiologus used the animal in his book about animals as the diffusion of the gospel, the panther diffused an sweet scent as symbol of good. All the animals follow this scent, only the dragon didn't his only enemy which is the symbol of evil. This is all about conversion to the Christian faith. Also the green colour is derived from the fir, this tree grows in abundance in Styria. The crown on top is from an duke, once Styria was duchy in the Austro-Hungarian empire. Nothing wrong with the flags,  simple and solid even with the arms. 

dinsdag 25 juni 2019

Indiana - United States

Indiana is an American state which can be found in the Great Lakes and Midwestern regions. Indiana has an population of around 6,6 million and the most people live in the area around the capital Indianapolis, in the north of the state and an portion in the southwest around Evansville. The rest is for agricultural activities like corn, grain and soybean growing. The northern parts bordered Lake Michigan is part of the industrialized Rust Belt, but Indiana is been less affected like neighboring states only the city of Gary suffered from an big decline. The north of Indiana is intertwined with the metropolis of Chicago and that city is part of the state of Illinois. The area here is mostly flat and dotted with lakes. If you look at the map of Indiana that all roads lead to the center of the state and there is the capital of Indianapolis, it's nickname is not for nothing "Crossroads of America". The southern part of Indiana is where flat terrain become hilly and there are more forests, the entire southern border is formed by the Ohio river. So let's take an look at the flag.

The flag has an blue background with golden stars and an torch, also the name of the state is there. Start with the torch that stands for liberty and enlightenment. The six thin stripes are the rays from the torch and those stands for the far reaching influence of the torch meaning earlier mentioned. The 19 stars has to that Indiana is 19th state that join the United States. The 13 stars in the outer loop are the 13 original Thirteen Colonies, the 5 inner stars are the 5 states that joined the United States after independence. Finally the largest star stands for Indiana itself. The blue background is taken from the blue of the flag of the United States, many other states use this blue too. Good flag, but drop the word Indiana and the flag is great.

maandag 24 juni 2019

Luxembourg - Belgium

Luxembourg and i mean the Belgian province not the independent grand duchy. It is the largest province of Belgium but the least populated, there live 284 thousand people, for comparison the capital Arlon has only 28 thousand inhabitants and this is the largest place in the province. Luxembourg is for 80 percent part of the densely wooded Ardennes region, who wants some peace and quit this is the place in an busy country of Belgium. Limited winter sports are possible at the highest hills, the highest is 694 m (2,277 ft). Allied generals in World War II thought the densely woods was impenetrable to massed vehicular traffic like tanks. But the Nazi-Germany tried anyway and the Battle of the Bulge occurred and eventually the are defeated by the allies. Many villages have as keepsake an tank placed in their village. The most southern part of the province is called Gaume also known as Belgian Lorraine which terrain differs from the Ardennes, the hills are lower and the temperature is higher. Who like the outdoors, old castles, pittoresque villages, good food and drinks, Luxembourg has it all. So let's take an look at the flag.

The has three horizontal stripes in the colors red, white and blue with an coat of arms in the center. The is inspired by the flag of the grand duchy of Luxembourg which once part of it until 1839 when the Belgians keep its part. Only the blue is darker and in that matter it's the same as the flag of the Netherlands. The grand duchy and the Netherlands has both an royal family with the name Nassau, but the flags has nothing to do with each other. The Luxembourg flag and province take the colors of the coat of arms, the province made the blue darker to distinguish it self. But the coat of arms is the same as the one of the grand duchy, an red lion overlaid white and blue stripes with an ducal crown. The red lion is derivative from the medieval duchy of Limburg and stripes are from the medieval counts of Luxembourg. The coat of arms is in use since 13th century and older than any flag of the Netherlands and Luxembourg itself, sometimes an stretched out of coat of arms is in use. Coincidental looking flag which at least three close by entities use it, reunite the province with Luxembourg or take an another flag.

zondag 23 juni 2019

Sydney - Australia

Sydney is the oldest and largest city of Australia, founded in 1788 and with an population of around 5.2 million. Before Europeans came the area was inhabited by Aboriginal tribes for more than 40,000 years, most traces of these people are erased but at least there are still rock paintings at various locations. In 1770 captain James Cook discovered Botany Bay (now an neighborhood in South Sydney) that get the interest of the British. The British government send Arthur Phillips in 1788 to that area, to start an penal colony and named it New Albion which quickly changed to Sydney. Arthur Phillips named it at after Thomas Townshend, 1st Viscount Sydney who send him to Australia. Slowly the penal colony turns in an regular colony especially after the gold rush of 1851 which attracted many immigrants. What also works is that Sydney have the largest natural harbor in the world. Nowadays it is one of the iconic cities on the globe with many things to do, no dull moment promised. So let's take an look at the flag.

This flag has to much things on it and let start in the upper left part. That part with the shells and crescent are the coat of arms of Thomas Townshend, 1st Viscount Sydney. Next to it the English Naval Flag to acknowledges the role Arthur Phillip played in Sydney's foundation. An globe and two stars overlaid the cross is posthumous arms of captain James Cook who mapped Australia. Finally in the top right is the coat of arms of the first Lord Mayor of Sydney, Thomas Hughes who served his 1st term in 1903. His second term was in 1906 to 1908 and this flag came in 1908 coincidentally in use, maybe something to do with conflict of interest? At the bottom an field with an yellow and blue vertical stripe with centered an ship under full sail. That symbolize Sydney as a maritime port. This flag is actually an stretched out version of the old coat of arms of Sydney. I have two words for this flag, to busy. The lower half with the ship is enough, but in any case an redesign is needed. 

London - Canada

London is next to the river Thames and this place is not in Great Britain but in the Canadian region of Southwestern Ontario. The county su...