Indiana is an American state which can be found in the Great Lakes and Midwestern regions. Indiana has an population of around 6,6 million and the most people live in the area around the capital Indianapolis, in the north of the state and an portion in the southwest around Evansville. The rest is for agricultural activities like corn, grain and soybean growing. The northern parts bordered Lake Michigan is part of the industrialized Rust Belt, but Indiana is been less affected like neighboring states only the city of Gary suffered from an big decline. The north of Indiana is intertwined with the metropolis of Chicago and that city is part of the state of Illinois. The area here is mostly flat and dotted with lakes. If you look at the map of Indiana that all roads lead to the center of the state and there is the capital of Indianapolis, it's nickname is not for nothing "Crossroads of America". The southern part of Indiana is where flat terrain become hilly and there are more forests, the entire southern border is formed by the Ohio river. So let's take an look at the flag.
The flag has an blue background with golden stars and an torch, also the name of the state is there. Start with the torch that stands for liberty and enlightenment. The six thin stripes are the rays from the torch and those stands for the far reaching influence of the torch meaning earlier mentioned. The 19 stars has to that Indiana is 19th state that join the United States. The 13 stars in the outer loop are the 13 original Thirteen Colonies, the 5 inner stars are the 5 states that joined the United States after independence. Finally the largest star stands for Indiana itself. The blue background is taken from the blue of the flag of the United States, many other states use this blue too. Good flag, but drop the word Indiana and the flag is great.
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