donderdag 4 april 2019

Sardinia - Italy

Sardinia the second largest island in the Mediterranean just south of the island of Corsica and north of Tunisia. Sardinia is also an region of Italy and comprises the provinces Cagliari, Nuoro, Oristano, Sassari and South Sardinia. Also the island act as an micro-continent with an subtropical and Mediterranean climate. Summer can be hot and the winters are mild, but snow in the mountains are no exception. The coastal areas are always prevented against snow and four winds always influenced the island. The mistral is an strong cold wind from southern France that blows into the Mediterranean, present in winter and spring. The sirocco is an strong wind from the Sahara and the rain from it is mixed with red desert sand, nicknamed "blood rain". The wind is normal in the seasons of spring and autumn. The libeccio is coming from the west and arises from the Mediterranean Sea and gives problems with extreme storms in the summer. The levant is the wind that build up from the east slowly but grows bigger when its move trough the narrower parts of the Mediterranean. This eastern wind is at is peak in the summer month. So lets an take an look at the flag.

Flag of the Four Moors and that the name of it, white background, red cross and four heads with white headbands. The heads looking in the left direction but once they look to the right and the headbands over there eyes. This still showing on the coat of arms. There are many stories of the origins of this flag but the most accepted one is this story. King Peter I of Aragon was besieging Hueasca in current northern Spain in 1096. The relieving forces of Al-Mustain II of Zaragoza arrived at Alcoraz to battle Peter I but he defeated the Al-Andalus rulers with help of Sardinian forces. For this help he granted them the use of an Saint George's Cross flag with the four heads on it. Flag with an legendary status and some mystery.

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