zondag 5 mei 2019

Wageningen - The Netherlands

Wageningen is an small city and municipality in the Dutch province of Gelderland with an population around 38 thousand which ⅓ is student at the Wageningen University. Sidenote Wageningen is the only university town in the Netherlands without an trainstation, in the neighboring municipality of Ede has an station. The station name is however Ede-Wageningen but the distance is 7.2 km (4.5 miles), so that means you need bus or bike to get there. Wageningen is situated at the north bank of the river Nederrijn, the Dutch part of the river Rhine and the Gelderse Vallei an area of wet boglands. It's borders the Veluwe and forest-rich area with small hills and one of those hills called the Wageningse Berg. Since 1992 the local professional footballclub FC Wageningen went bankrupt is there still their abandoned stadion left alone. Because the Wageningse Berg is an natural park it's not allowed to tear it down, over the years the municipality tried to find another purpose. On 5 May 1945 the allies and the occupying Nazi-Germany signed the surrender to official ending the war in the Netherlands, this happened in the still standing Hotel de Vrede in the center of the city. To this day the event is celebrated with an veteran soldiers parade and an large music festival. So lets take an look at the flag.

The flag has two vertical stripes in colors white and red with an image of an wagon wheel with spokes. In the upper spoke you can see an cross. The meaning of the wheel is not certain but one of the explanations that in Roman times there was an ford to cross the Rhine and there was an pagan site that changed to an church. Simple flag with an unclear meaning.

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London - Canada

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