zaterdag 13 juli 2019

Nairobi - Kenya

Nairobi is the largest city and the capital of the African nation of Kenya, with an population of around 6,5 million that is all suburbs included. Before 1899 the area of Nairobi was mostly an swamp and there flows two main rivers the Athi and the Nairobi, and know we now the origin of the cities name. It actually means "cool waters" in the Masai language. But after the arrival the railroad they choose this place to build an traindepot, slowly Nairobi grew bigger even after some malaria outbreaks. The area attract early tourism around 1910 with big game hunters, it became the capital of the colony of British East Africa. This fast growth cause tensions with the native Masai which land was taken by the British, also the Kikuyu get angered about the loss of their land. All these friction leads after the Second World War to the Mau Mau rebellion from 1952 to 1960 and eventually to the independence in 1963 of Kenya. Nairobi didn't stop growing after the independence, it is still growing and now evolving slowly in an modern African city with help and funds of China. Still to this day there just outside of the city the big African animals roaming free. So let's take an look at the flag. 

The flag is 4 quarters in the colors yellow and green with an circle in the center with blue and white wavy stripes. The yellow stands for forward thinking and leadership, because Nairobi is the capital. The green stands for prosperity, enlightenment and people ready for an new day. The shield in the center stands for abundance, opportunities, justice and the good quality of life. Good flag with an good hope of the future.

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