vrijdag 5 juli 2019

Pyrénées-Orientales - France

Pyrénées-Orientales is an French department in the region of Occitanie in the southwest of France. Once this was part of Catalonia but after the war of 1635-1659 war with France the part north of the Pyrenees went to France. Still there is an minority that speak Catalan and the area is still known as Northern Catalonia. Like most of the French departments it's named after an natural feature like an rivet and in this case an mountainrange, the Pyrenees and with Orientales they mean it's located in the eastern part of it. Pyrénées-Orientales have an population of around 474 thousand and the capital or prefecture is Perpignan, city with an Mediterranean and ofcourse an Catalan feel. Pyrénées-Orientales obviously borders Spain in the south but also surrounding in Spanish enclave named Llivia, just separated 1.6 km (1.0 mile) from Spain. And so we have an French department where Catalonia meets France.  So let's take an look at the flag. 

With the 6 yellow and 5 red stripes make this is the Catalan flag named Senyera and Catalonia user it to. The Senyera means in the Catalan language flag and is usually the term refers to the Catalan flag or its pattern. But it's originated from the Kingdom of Aragon and the current region if attain use an singular flag. But other places with Catalan relations use an singular flag, like Balearic Islands, Valencian Community, Andorra and the French region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Dozens of municipalities belonging to these territories base their local flags on the Senyera as well. This is one of the oldest flags in Europe and it's originated from many legends and this one of them. Charles le Chauve, Emperor Charlemagne's grandson visited his vmvassal, Guiffré el Pilos in English Geoffrey the Hairy (born in Ria in 852), at death's door in his tent. Near the litter was a plain golden shield. Charles le Chauve dipped his fingers in the dying' wound and designed four bars of blood, giving therefore a coat of arms to the house of Aragon. Ancient historical flags always work, many other flag of this distinct can follow. 

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