zaterdag 30 maart 2019

Landskrona - Sweden

Landskrona is an Swedish city on the coast of the Öresund an strait that divided Denmark from Copenhagen. Landskrona is opposite in straight line of Copenhagen, the distance is 25 km (16 mi). Before 1702 the city was part of Denmark but after an war it became part of Sweden and the rest of Scania, nowadays an province of Sweden. The Danish build an impressive citadel with system of moats to keep the Swedish out, that didn't work very well. But people can visit Copenhagen with the train and the journey takes an hour via the Öresund Bridge, in the past there was an ferry directly to the Danish capital. So this city lost its importance as an border town, ferry to its former capital but there remained one ferry destination to the small island of Ven. Ven is part of Landskrona and its have an population of around 370 people, they live in four small hamlets on the island. Tycho Brahe discovered in 1572 an weird bright star, not knowing he actually saw an supernova. He wrote an book about and became famous in Europe, the Danish king Frederik II offered him the island Ven to stay in Denmark. He build an observatory and found out later how comets really works. Get problems with the next Danish king and went in to an personal exile to Rostock and later Prague. So lets take an look at their flag

Actually its an banner but those thing can wave in the wind to, so that is fine with me. Two colors, four quarters and four symbols. Upper left we see an crown that symbolize the importance of the city to the Swedish Crown. Upper right an red lion with an red sword and palm branch. The lion symbolize strength and the citadel of Landskrona, the palm branch stands for victory. Below left an red ship, two red pillars and the sea. The pillars and ship stand for the port and its importance of it. Below right is an cornucopia stands for wealth, trade and prosperity. The meaning of the colors i din't information about it. The banner has many things to tell, modern city flags can learn something from this.

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London - Canada

London is next to the river Thames and this place is not in Great Britain but in the Canadian region of Southwestern Ontario. The county su...