zondag 24 maart 2019

Chai Nat - Thailand

Chai Nat is an province of Thailand and its located 188 km (116.82 mi) north of Bangkok. The capital of the province has the same name and its translate literally meant "roaring victory". The reason why is that in the old Thai kingdom of Ayutthaya this area successfully used to stop Burmese invasions. The province is rather flat due the Chao Phraya, an import river that flows through Bangkok and further to the Gulf of Thailand. East of the province at this river when the construction finished in 1957 it is use for two purposes. The first purpose is to provide the rice paddies of water and the second is to control possible flooding. Nowadays if you go to capital you will noticed its famous of handicrafts, basketry, sculpture and weaving and don't forget the ceramics. So lets take an look at the flag.

The flag an fuchsia background and i think it has to do with the provincial flower of an tree named rainbow shower tree (Cassia javanica), endemic in the province and rest of southeast Asia. 
The provincial seal is centered on the flag, in don't know what the text is meaning, In the seal we see an Garuda, an mythical half man-half eagle creature from the Hindu and Buddhist faith.
It holds an Dharmachakra also known as the Wheel of Dharma, an ancient Buddhist and Hindu symbol. 
The Chao Phraya river is also seen in the seal with an mountain in the background named Khao Phlong, its more an hill. 
So this was an flag with an unusual color and with an seal that is not really annoying.

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